Belgravia - Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Zee Dempsey
Welcome to Belgravia Class; the home of Year 2!
Our topic this term will be All Around The World. We will be investigating the seven continents of the world and how they are similar or different, before focussing in on the amazing and diverse continent of Africa.
In science we will observe changes across the four seasons and link to learning relating to living things, as well as learning more about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch. We will also explore and investigate the properties and uses of everyday materials.
In Religious Education this term we will be exploring the questions; “What made Jesus special?" and "What do you think is the most important part of the Easter Story?"
Belgravia PE Sessions
This term PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon.
Belgravia Outdoor Learning Session
This year Belgravia's outdoor learning will be on a Thursday. Please remember to bring your base layers to school and ensure you have wellies and waterproofs (labelled) in a separate bag.
Belgravia Home Learning
Each week there will be spellings to learn and daily reading. Spellings will be available each week on your child’s EdShed. We will have a spelling test and a 10 in 10 test each Friday.
Children are expected to read every night with an adult. Children's books will be changed on a Monday when they have finished reading their current books. Each child can choose up to 4 books to take home at one time and they will be given a phonietically decodable book (if required) by their teacher. The decodeable book should be read multiple times to help develop fluency and expression.
If, over the course of the week, your child reads all 5 books, their reading should be supplemented with books from home. For some children reading longer books, the expectation isn't to read all 5 books and should change just those which have been completed.
Reading Records will be monitored regularly and they remain a very good way to communicate messages from home.
Each child has access to EdShed, Bug Club and Times Tables Rockstars. Children should access one of these digital resources every day in addition to reading.
Belgravia Phonics/Spelling
Please refer to the “phonics” section of our website: Saighton C of E Primary School Phonics - ELS
Here you will find lots of useful resources to help support your child with their phonics journey.
Files to Download
Belgravia - Year 2: Events items
Tempest - Class Photos, by Mrs Smith
Prayer Meeting in School Hall, by Mrs Smith
Year 2 Residential to Burwardsley, by Mrs Smith