
Saighton Church of England Primary School and Pre-School is proud to be a church Voluntary Aided primary school in the village of Saighton; part of the conservation village of the same name, on the Grosvenor Estate.

As a Church of England Primary School and Pre-School, our Christian values underpin everything we do and we live out our school vision of “Flourishing together, life in all its fullness.” (John 10:10)

We believe our school is an exciting place to be and we aim to send your child home each day full of enthusiasm and to foster a lifelong love of learning.

We want your children to get the best possible start in life and we look forward to working in partnership with you, inspiring confident learners who will thrive in an ever-changing world.

Mrs Sue Dawson - Headteacher

Welcome to Pre-School

We offer a high-quality Early Years setting as part of our Primary School, which provides education for children aged from three years. Children will learn and play in a well-structured environment which supports a positive transition to their Reception Year.

If you would like to come for a visit to our school and Pre-School or would like to bring your child for a stay and play session to meet the EYFS team, please do not hesitate to get in touch or complete an addmission form below.

Our Pre-School operating hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm. We always offer flexible booking patterns and a range of funding options, including 3-5 year olds government’s funded childcare, this is located on the Government Website-  

Day-to-Day in Pre-School


We follow a book-based curriculum in EYFS at Saighton. Books are selected based on current themes, topics, events or children’s interests.


We use the scheme “Essential Letters and Sounds” to deliver our teaching. Essential Letters and Sounds is a Systematic Synthetic Phonics programmevalidated by the Department for Education and is taught across both EYFS and KS1.


Our Reception children follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work and Pre-School children follow a similar style of learning based on its principles. When exploring Maths at Saighton, we encourage a love of pattern, colour, counting and investigation. Developing a strong grounding in number is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically.


We are delighted to also be able to offer wraparound for our Pre-School children. Monday to Friday 8am-9am and 3pm-5pm. These sessions are booked through the school and sessions are invoiced monthly in arrears on ParentMail and paid for online. Please find a copy of our wraparound information leaflet below.

  • Sunrise £8 – 8am to 9am
  • Sunset £15 – 3pm to 5pm

Early Year Funding:

Children are eligible for funding from the term after they turn 3 years old. The cut off dates are 31st December, 31st March and 31st August for your child to qualify for funding the following term. You will be able to claim your childcare code directly from the Government Website.

Pre-School Everyday Costs:

  • £33 per day
  • Hourly rate is £5.50 per hour
  • School Lunch £2.20 or send your children in with a packed lunch
  • Uniform – Can be bought from M&S -

Pre-School Fees Include:

  • Quality Early Years Care and Education with a Qualified Teacher
  • Healthy, well-balanced menu for all children
  • Weekly Forest School session led by a Forest School Practitioner
  • Twice weekly PE sessions led by a qualified Sports Coach
  • Access to a wide range of quality resources and equipment
  • Daily worship is available to all our EYFS pupils

Keep In Touch:

If you would like to know more about what our children do each day, why not follow us on our Instagram. Press the image below.


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