Cavendish - Year 5/6 2024 - 2025

Miss Menna Bellis

Welcome to Cavendish Class;  the home of Year 5 and 6! 

Our topic this term will be Freedom. We will be learning all about migration and thinking about refugees around the world. We will also learn about Ancient Greece and explore Greek Gods, democracy and philosophy.

In science we will learn about the properties of materials. We will explore different materials' solubility, conductivity and response to forces, including magnets.

In Religious Education we will be exploring the big questions, 'Is everyone's life journey the same?' and 'Why do Christians celebrate the Eucharist?'

Cavendish PE Sessions

This term PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. 


Cavendish Outdoor learning Sessions

The children will be enjoying Outdoor learning every Wednesday afternoon. 

Please ensure children are bringing appropriate clothing and footwear every Wednesday.


Cavendish Home Learning

Each week there will be spellings to learn and daily reading. Spellings are available on the class page.  We will have a spelling test and a 30 in 30 test each Friday.

Children are expected to read every night and are able to change their books when required. They should complete one of the reading comprehension tasks from the back of their reading record each week. Reading records should be brought into school every day and will be checked weekly.

Each child has access to EdShed, Bug Club, Times Tables Rockstars and SATs bootcamp. Children should access one of these digital resources every day in addition to reading.


Year 6 SATs Preparation

We are now using SATS Boot Camp to help our Year 5 and 6 children to prepare for SATS. Please ensure your child regularly accesses the 'Revise' tab on the website to recap a variety of Maths and English topics.


Grammar Glossary

If you would like to see the full list of all that Year 6 children are expected to know, the link below takes you to a very informative website (with examples when you click on the term)

Grammar Glossary for Parents

Files to Download

Cavendish - Year 5/6: Events items

Spring Parents' Evening, by Mrs Smith

Global Week, by Mrs Smith

Valentines Disco, by Mrs Smith