Grosvenor - Year 3/4 2024 - 2025
Miss Frances Eaton
Welcome to Grosvenor Class; the home of Year 3 and 4!
To begin our Autumn term this year, our topic will be Rivers. We will be looking at the geographical features of rivers and learning about how they form over time. We will also be considering environmental impacts on rivers throughout our learning.
In science we will be looking into forces and magnets and making obersvations whilst conducting our own studies. We will also explore states of matter and link this to our river topic when learning about the water cycle.
In Religious Education we will be considering why we have values and which values we consider to be most important. Later in the term, our Religious Education learning will focus on Christmas and how the presence of Jesus has an impact on people's lives.
Grosvenor PE Sessions
For the school year 2024-25 , PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Please ensure your child is sent to school in their Saighton sports kit and trainers on these days.
Swimming will commence in the Spring term and will take place on Monday mornings. Please send your children to school in their PE kit on this day.
Outdoor Learning
This year our Outdoor Learning session will be on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child arrives at school in their uniform with their forest waterproofs in a separate bag.
Home Learning
Each week there will be spellings to learn and daily reading. We will have a spelling test and a 20 in 20 test each Friday.
Times tables and reading every night please, as a minimum.
Children should also complete a comprehension activity from their Reading Diary each week.
Reading diaries will be checked weekly.
Children will be able to change their books independently when required.
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Grosvenor - Year 3/4: Events items
Christmas / New Year Holiday, by Mrs Smith
Christmas / New Year Holiday, by Mrs Smith
Staff Inset Day, by Mrs Smith